The Enchanted Cottage

The Enchanted Cottage


The Enchanted Cottage stars Richard Barthelmess as Oliver, a physically and emotionally wounded World War I veteran who comes home to a fiancée who promptly leaves him. Licking his wounds in solitude, he meets a young woman named Laura (May McAvoy). They fall in love and agree to marry, but unexpected and magical events occur inside The Enchanted Cottage where they have agreed to spend their wedding night.

CastView All Credits

Richard Barthelmess

Richard Barthel

Oliver Bashforth
May McAvoy

May McAvoy

Laura Pennington
Ida Waterman

Ida Waterman

Mrs. Smallwood
Florence Short

Florence Short

Ethel Bashforth
Alfred Hickman

Alfred Hickman

Rupert Smallwood
Marion Coakley

Marion Coakley

Beatrice Vaughn

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The Enchanted Cottage
The Enchanted Cottage
The Enchanted Cottage

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