Sunset of Power

Sunset of Power
They called him WOMAN RUSTLER!


Sunset of Power is regarded as one of Buck Jones' more meritorious Universal westerns. The heavy of the piece, grim-visaged cattle baron Neil Brannum, drives everyone around him mercilessly, including his own granddaughter Ruth. In retaliation, a caped-and-masked Spanish bandido stages nightly raids on Brannum's spread.

CastView All Credits

Buck Jones

Buck Jones

Cliff Lea
Dorothy Dix

Dorothy Dix

Ruth Brannum
Charles Middleton

Charles Middlet

Neil Brannum
Donald Kirke

Donald Kirke

Page Cothran
Ben Corbett

Ben Corbett

Charles King

Charles King

Jim Coley

Backdrops And Posters View All Images

Sunset of Power
Sunset of Power

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