"Рождество в собачьем парке" Кредиты фильмЭкипаж:
Jake Helgren

Jake Helgren

Department: Writing
Job: Writer
Letia Clouston

Letia Clouston

Department: Directing
Job: Director
Jake Helgren

Jake Helgren

Department: Production
Job: Producer
Ralph McCloud

Ralph McCloud

Department: Production
Job: Executive Producer
Stephanie Slack

Stephanie Slack

Department: Production
Job: Co-Executive Producer
Elizabeth Snoderly

Elizabeth Snoderly

Department: Production
Job: Producer
Fernando Szew

Fernando Szew

Department: Production
Job: Executive Producer
Tom Jemmott

Tom Jemmott

Department: Sound
Job: Music
Chris Furukawa-Burgon

Chris Furukawa-Burgon

Department: Camera
Job: Director of Photography
Pete Lutz

Pete Lutz

Department: Editing
Job: Editor
Amanda Cornell

Amanda Cornell

Department: Art
Job: Production Design
Samuel Musgrove

Samuel Musgrove

Department: Art
Job: Art Direction
D.J. Castillo

D.J. Castillo

Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job: Costume Design

В ролях:

Lexi Giovagnoli

Lexi Giovagnoli

Luce Lockhart
Jonathan Bennett

Jonathan Bennet

Dean Stanton
Дина Мейер

Дина Мей

Missy Paxton
Patrick Muldoon

Patrick Muldoon

Byron Paxton
Sarah Joy Byington

Sarah Joy Bying

Meredith May

Meredith May

Thomas Burke

Thomas Burke

Doggy Festival Attendee
Clyde the Dog

Clyde the Dog

Dog In Park