"Straight Is the Way" Кредиты фильмЭкипаж:
Ethel Watts Mumford

Ethel Watts Mumford

Department: Writing
Job: Story
Frances Marion

Frances Marion

Department: Writing
Job: Writer
Robert G. Vignola

Robert G. Vignola

Department: Directing
Job: Director
Al Liguori

Al Liguori

Department: Camera
Job: Director of Photography
Philip Carle

Philip Carle

Department: Directing
Job: Assistant Director

В ролях:

Matt Moore

Matt Moore

'Cat' Carter
Mabel Bert

Mabel Bert

Aunt Mehitabel
Gladys Leslie

Gladys Leslie

George Parsons

George Parsons

'Loot' Follett
Henry Sedley

Henry Sedley

Jonathan Squoggs
Van Dyke Brooke

Van Dyke Brooke

Const. Whipple
Emily Fitzroy

Emily Fitzroy

Mrs. Crabtree
Peggy Parr

Peggy Parr
