Cum Suckers

Cum Suckers
50 Girls!


Private girls love to fuck & be fucked but the climax for all our beautiful sex vixens is when they are sucking on a stiff cock and making it explode in their faces, so they can suck out every last bit of cum. Cum Suckers is a collection of our sexiest babes feasting, gorging, swallowing and eating fresh sperm in an incredible 40 scenes of non-stop action! We have spoken to our all time favorite directors including Frank Thring, Antonio Adamo, Pierre Woodman, Tanya Hyde, JY Lecastel, Susi Medusa, Kovi & Tom Herald and they have helped us hand pick their favorite cum sucking scenes to bring to you this essential collection of the highest quality porn!

CastView All Credits

Adele Wissental

Adele Wissental

(archive footage)
Angelica Bright

Angelica Bright

(archive footage)


(archive footage)


(archive footage)
Carmen Vera

Carmen Vera

(archive footage)
Cassandra Wild

Cassandra Wild

(archive footage)

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Cum Suckers

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