"Робин из Шервуда" Кредиты ТВ ШоуCrew:
Paul Knight

Paul Knight

Department: Production
Job: Producer
Patrick Dromgoole

Patrick Dromgoole

Department: Production
Job: Producer

В ролях:

Jason Connery

Jason Connery

Robert of Huntingdon, Robin Hood
Judi Trott

Judi Trott

Lady Marion of Leaford
Рэй Уинстон

Рэй Уинс

Will Scarlet
Clive Mantle

Clive Mantle

Little John
Peter Llewellyn Williams

Peter Llewellyn

Mark Ryan

Mark Ryan

Phil Rose

Phil Rose

Friar Tuck
Nickolas Grace

Nickolas Grace

Robert de Rainault, The Sheriff of Nottingham
Robert Addie

Robert Addie

Sir Guy of Gisburne
John Abineri

John Abineri

Herne the Hunter
Philip Jackson

Philip Jackson

Abbot Hugo de Rainault